JPIAMR 4th call project
In the JPIAMR project, medical scientists from the Netherlands, France, Germany, England and Switzerland closely cooperated to find a solution for antibiotic resistance. They explored Integrative Medicine (IM)/ Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM) alternatives for antibiotics, and systemized available expertise and scientific knowledge. Preliminary studies have shown that contributions of IM/ T&CM practices and hospitals are promising: they have lower antibiotic prescription rates and lower resistance rates compared to conventional practices based on additional prevention and treatment of infections strategies.
Therefore, the project members explored and systemized any available practical expertise and scientific knowledge on CAM strategies. They analyzed for example the use and prescription of CAM-medication as an alternative to antibiotics. Next, they focused on the development of an evidence and expertise based decision-making tool and patient decision aid and information leaflets for doctors and patients, and the the implementation of these tools in the European countries. The results allow GPs, pharmacists and patients to use a scientific database offering evidence-based alternatives to current antibiotics.
The major objectives of the project were:
- To provide an overview of expert and scientific knowledge on CAM/IM treatment of selected infectious diseases (Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTIs))
- To develop a CAM/IM guidance document and if possible a first concept evidence- and expertise-based decision-making tool (DMT) for (conventional) doctors on a European level. A DMT commonly goes through several necessary steps:
- To list the available options in a user friendly tool, including their benefits and harms
- To provide a communication platform on the CAM/IM contribution
A survey among CAM experts in five countries and a systematic review on CAM treatment of URTIs was included, referring to anthroposophic medicine, ayurveda, homeopathy, TCM, western herbal medicine/ phytotherapy.
JPIAMR is a Research and Innovation project (2017-2018), funded by JPIAMR/ ZonMW under Grant Agreement (JPIAMRWG-12). JPIAMR partnership features 9 partners in 5 EU countries, and is coordinated by the Louis Bolk Institute.